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CSRD Software

Dive into the future of CSRD reporting with Solidflow, where compliance and simplicity converge, revolutionizing your approach to sustainability reporting.

Colleagues working with CSRD software
Faster than comparable solutions
Cost-saving on external consulting
More employees involved in CSRD

Sustainability reporting software for full compliance

Meet your all-in-one software solution for achieving CSRD compliance. Streamline your sustainability reporting effortlessly with our comprehensive and easy to use AI-drive CSRD software.

Reporting with CSRD software

All your data in one CSRD solution

We are the complete solution for CSRD regulations. It takes you through the entire compliance journey. This goes from double materiality assessment to final assurance by your accountant. With our CSRD software, you can simplify your reporting process while ensuring accuracy and efficiency. 

Add team members with different roles

You can add as many team members as needed and assign them roles based on their involvement in the CSRD process. Streamline collaboration and ensure each team member contributes effectively to compliance. Each member can give feedback on the process esnuring the best results. 

Have your accountant review

Our CSRD software provides a secure environment for external consultants, allowing accountants to log in and review your work. They can monitor progress and verify that you’re following regulations every step of the way. This ensures you further improve the quality of your final report.

Use AI to substantiate everything

CSRD compliance can be a lengthy and demanding process. Especially when it comes to documenting and substantiating each step for compliance. Our software, powered by a custom-developed AI model, allows you to substantiate everything efficiently. This is reducing the burden on your team significantly. 

How you can benefit

All your obligations in one CSRD software

CSRD is a new, complex challenge with many responsibilities. We are here to make it easier for companies. We keep our software always up-to-date so you can meet full compliance.

#1 Prepare for your CSRD

Our comprehensive CSRD software comes equipped with different preparation tools.  A couple examples are: stakeholder engagement modules, value creation builder, and and a full AI-drive materiality assessment tool. These features are designed to streamline your preparation process. Which is ensuring you’re well-equipped for insightful and strategic sustainability reporting.

#2 Do a GAP-analyses

Conduct a gap analysis for CSRD directly within our software. It automatically identifies the data required based on your materiality assessment and compares it to existing company data. This process is highlighting any gap that need to be filled. In this way, you’re better prepared with the right systems to collect each CSRD ESRS datapoint. This helps you to stay organized and proactive, ensuring compliance.

#3 Collect all the data

Efficiently collect and manage all necessary data for CSRD compliance with the software. Our platform supports the organization and analysis of over 1,200 data points. This is enabling a more streamlined approach for you data management. Our intuitive platform allows you to easily manage and edit data if needed. You can also import existing data and save time on collecting and reporting already existing data.

#4 Check and revision

Our software empowers you to collaborate efficiently. Add as many team members as you need and assign them specific roles with distinct permissions. Some roles can only view and provide feedback, while others can edit and modify data. This flexibility ensures each member contributes effectively, improving your compliance workflow. Also add external accountant and consultants to make your workflow even better.

The benefits

Why use a CSRD software for your reporting?

Embrace efficiency and accuracy in sustainability reporting with CSRD software. A game-changer for companies committed to transparency and compliance.

Example of CSRD software

An overview in one platform

With a comprehensive CSRD software platform like ours, you gain a bird’s eye view of all your essential data. The unified dashboard simplifies management. It ensures that every piece of information is easily accessible, from emissions data to other initiatives.

You will never miss the mark

Our CSRD software is designed to guide you through every step of the compliance process. With built-in checklists and compliance frameworks, it ensures that you’re always on track. This is covering all necessary bases from data collection to final submission. 

Reduces cost on accounting

Implementing our CSRD software significantly reduces your accounting expenses by streamlining much of the work traditionally handled by accountants. Your need for extensive accounting services is minimized, leaving only the final audit in their hands. 

Meet your quick path to full compliance

Ready to simplify your CSRD reporting? Book your free demo of Solidflow today. Discover how our AI-powered software can transform your sustainability reporting process.

New technology

Simplify your CSRD reporting process

Transform your CSRD reporting with our software, harnessing AI for effortless and precise sustainability disclosures. Discover how we use cutting-edge technology to make your reporting easier. 

AI in CSRD software

Use the power of AI

Discover how we revolutionizes reporting with cutting-edge AI tools. We automate the process to identify crucial sustainability themes tailored to your company’s focus. Beyond simplifying data management, our AI aids in navigating various reporting requirements. 

This is making CSRD reporting straightforward. Our innovation ensures your reporting is not only efficient but also deeply insightful, reflecting your company’s commitment to sustainability.

Focus on the requirements

Our CSRD tool is meticulously designed with an unwavering focus on CSRD requirements. This is ensuring every piece of information is seamlessly translated into comprehensive sustainability reports. Our software is crafted to simplify the complexity of disclosure requirements. 

With our software, you’re equipped to highlight your sustainability achievements accurately and confidently. Therefore you can showcase your commitment to responsible business practices.

How you can benefit

Every function in one software solution

Solidflow consolidates every essential CSRD reporting function into one streamlined software solution. This ensures full compliance with ease and efficiency.

Solidflow transforms stakeholder engagement by providing an intuitive framework for identifying key stakeholders. It also helps in understanding their information needs, and facilitating effective communication. This comprehensive approach ensures that you’re equipped with all the necessary insights for thorough reporting. 


By leveraging our software, companies can easily determine stakeholder relevance. They can gather critical feedback, and engage constructively, ensuring a holistic view of sustainability impacts and expectations. This targeted engagement strategy not only enhances the quality of your CSRD reports but also strengthens stakeholder relationships, fostering a culture of transparency and trust.

Stakeholder engagement

Your value chain for CSRD is crucial. Solidflow simplifies this process by enabling companies to map out their entire value chain. It helps identifying key partners, suppliers, and other links critical to their operations. Our platform facilitates the addition and management of these connections. This makes every aspect of your value chain visible and manageable. 


This clarity allows companies to assess and address sustainability issues more effectively. Which is ensuring that every segment of the value chain contributes positively to their overall sustainability goals. With Solidflow, maintaining an accurate and comprehensive value chain model becomes straightforward. We empower companies to make informed decisions that align with their CSRD commitments.

Value chain modeling

Double materiality is a pivotal component of CSRD reporting. We this with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach. Our software leverages AI to analyze data gathered during stakeholder engagement. This helps you identify and prioritize material topics that impact your business and stakeholders. 


This process ensures that your reporting is focused on areas of significant economic, environmental, and social impact. Which is enhancing the relevance and quality of your disclosures. With our CSRD tool, navigating the complexities of double materiality becomes a guided journey. This is leading to more meaningful and actionable sustainability reporting.

Double materiality

Collecting ESRS data can be daunting. We streamlines this task by offering a comprehensive platform for managing and editing data. Our software provides a clear overview of collected data and outlines the steps needed to complete your reporting. This is all tailored to your material themes identified in the materiality assessment. 


The targeted approach ensures that your data collection is efficient and aligned with CSRD requirements. This simplifies the reporting process and allows you to focus on implementing sustainable practices. With us, you have a partner in navigating the complexities of ESRS data collection making your sustainability reporting both comprehensive and compliant.

ESRS data collection

Frequently asked questions

CSRD software is a digital solution designed to assist businesses in complying with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements. It facilitates the collection, management, and reporting of sustainability-related data, helping companies meet regulatory standards, improve their sustainability performance, and communicate their efforts transparently to stakeholders. Implementing CSRD software is crucial for ensuring compliance, enhancing efficiency in sustainability reporting, and supporting strategic decision-making towards sustainable business practices.

CSRD software streamlines the reporting process by offering tools for efficient data collection, stakeholder engagement, value chain modeling, and double materiality assessments. It provides a centralized platform where all necessary information can be gathered, analyzed, and reported according to the CSRD standards. By automating many of the reporting tasks, it reduces manual effort, minimizes errors, and ensures that reports are comprehensive, accurate, and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Solidflow is an all-in-one CSRD reporting software designed to streamline the sustainability reporting process for businesses. It simplifies the collection, organization, and submission of sustainability data, ensuring full compliance with CSRD regulations. By leveraging AI technology and comprehensive data management tools, Solidflow transforms complex reporting requirements into a more manageable and efficient process.

Solidflow is meticulously crafted with a focus on CSRD requirements, providing businesses with the tools and guidance needed to produce comprehensive sustainability reports. The software includes built-in checklists and compliance frameworks, ensuring that all necessary information is covered and accurately reported. This helps businesses not only meet but exceed their regulatory standards, showcasing their commitment to sustainable practices.

Solidflow’s AI technology automates the identification of crucial sustainability themes and assists in navigating the various reporting mandates. This not only simplifies data management but also ensures that the reports are insightful, reflecting the company’s sustainability efforts accurately. The AI helps in prioritizing material topics and streamlining the reporting process, making compliance straightforward and efficient.

Flowing through CSRD reporting with ease

Flow through CSRD reporting challenges with ease. We offers a comprehensive software solution designed to address every aspect of CSRD compliance seamlessly.


With every necessary function integrated into a single platform. From stakeholder engagement to value chain modeling, and from double materiality assessments to ESRS data collection, we simplify the complexities of sustainability reporting.

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